Wednesday, September 26, 2007

5 Urban Myths of Dressing for Plus-Sizes

In my 17 years of dressing women of ALL shapes and sizes, I have found that there are some interesting myths that women have passed down from generation to generation regarding dressing for a larger woman. I would like to dispel some of these myths and bring you some helpful tips for dressing as a plus-sized woman.

1. "Never wear bold prints or colors." Whomever said that must have been skinny and self-conscious. If WE, as large women, do not wear bold prints and colors, then who can wear them? Embrace color and prints, if they are what you are naturally attracted to. You convey your personality in your clothing, so don’t allow someone to suppress who you really are by allowing them to dictate to you what prints & colors to wear!

2. "Clothing that is big on you hides more." WRONG! A slimmer fit gives you a slimmer appearance. You want your clothing to fit like a glove, not like a curtain! I also recommend altering clothing that might be too roomy in the waist. Create an hour glass figure by nipping in the waist. These minor adjustment can take inches off your appearance.

3. "I have to hide my fanny and bigger bust." Here is your new morning mantra ladies, "Curves are our friends". We need to work with our fannies and busts. Consider it a blessing if you have weight equally distributed in "all the right areas". Marilyn Monroe was an avid fan of her fanny and bust. Create a voluptuous look by using your assets. If you are unsure how to create this look work with your retail professional. Seek out a specialty store, as their staff is usually more trained in the field of fashion and fit. They’ll guide you through the pitfalls that fashion can sometimes throw your way.

4. "Shorter women should not wear long jackets or dresses." Oh Contraire, ma chere! Women below 5'5" should seriously consider longer styles as the longer length makes them look taller. It also lengthens the body and slims their midriff to the naked-eye. Skirts and dresses that stop at the calf or above the ankle of a "vertically challenged" woman have a tendency to make the person look "stumpy" and shorter than they are.

5. "I would rather have quantity rather than quality." This is the wrong attitude to have towards your wardrobe. Invest in better clothing and it will last forever. The disposable clothing you find in discount stores and chain stores are extremely expensive when you consider how long they’ll last for you. In other words, spend $100 on a pair of pants that you can wash and dry at home & wear for 2 years, verses buying 3 pairs of cheap pants that you bought for $40 a pair and you’ll only get 3months of wash-and-wear out of.

Generally speaking, and it is my modest opinion, that women of size should discard the rules of previous generations. There have been many changes to the face of our society and women should break the chains that bind them fashionably speaking. Wear what inspires you. When in doubt accessorize with a confident attitude.


Welcome to my blog for curvaceous women!!!

I've created this blog to post thoughts on how to best navigate the waters of plus size fashion industry & other ramblings that rattle through the brain of a young-ish woman trying to change the fashion industry's pre-conception of plus size women one vendor at a time.

I hope you enjoy a forum to ask questions, read about my findings, and to enjoy a place for curvy women to relax and enjoy.

A little bit about Botticelli, Generous Clothing for the Curvaceous Woman....
Botticelli was born out of the frustration I and everyone in my family felt when trying to buy fashionable clothing of good quality. I have spent my entire working life in the fashion industry (both in retail and in wholesale) and also attained a BPS in Fashion Merchandising from Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY. Throughout my years I have always been so offended that the fashion industry treated a larger woman as a second class citizen, and as if to say, " Honey, lose weight and then come talk to me.".
In recent years the women of America have come to embrace their curves and celebrate themselves, but department stores and the alike have been slow to recognize that we are sensual, attractive, and fashionable and to provide us with a selection of clothing that we are proud to wear and that best reflect our new self image.

The 4 last years for us have been exciting and more than we ever anticipated. The response from our local area has been overwhelming, and we had not expected how much the demand actually was. Our customers now range from 15- 95 year old women & they hail from New Hampshire to Florida and as far west as Las Vegas. We thank all of you who have helped make our first years so wonderful and for making us a Best Of Rhode Island award winner in 2004. One of the most rewarding aspects of Botticelli has the been the hugs and kisses from new customers who love how they look and how they feel about themselves. Our #1 goal at Botticelli is help women break the negative cycles in their lives & to give them the customer service that has been reserved for their size 8 counter parts.